Halloween - with Team Halloween aka The Literary Society™!

© 2007 Luminous Luciano Pimentel
~ All Rights Reserved
(Front row, from left to right:
Underwriter™, Literati Leprechaun™,
Ghostwriter™, Literati Nosferatu™,
Literati Frankfurter™.
In the back - the two paler ones:
Ghostly Groupie™ and Literati Goosebumper™)

Literati Nosferatu™ (left)
The Underwriter™ (center)
and The Ghostwriter™ (right)
seem pretty happy with themselves
after the recent results
of their feuds with
such opponents as
The Cyberkillahs™
The Abominables™

(The Canine Killing Machine™)
- which featured special guest-referee
Merino "Pi" Mantell™ -
didn't go so well though...
The consensus in the wondrous world of
is that the literary world is a monstruous one
- one that begat a whole lot of monstruosities
such as that Frankfurter prick
and that swindler of an underwriter -
thus, the whole bunch of them sure can
represent the company on
All-Hallows' Eve!
They're even creepier than The Abominables™
when one really thinks about it...
Literati Nosferatu™ alone
and all by himself
makes your skin crawl
with his double existence as a
literary agent *and* bloodsucker
(verily, compatible careers)
COLLECTIVELY, the Literary Society™
(with ALL its members - for the 6 here
are only the tip of the iceberg...)
is one frightening force
of complacency and snobbism!
They'll sneer at you joyfully -
while they shove their books down your throats!
They'll mock and ridicule the masses
while they bank on them to subsidize their schemes!
Truly villains you'll not only love to hate
but that you'll relish loathing - week after week!
However, as the DOGS CHAIN GANG™
members often say, these haughty atrocities
with questionable penmanship
are barking up the wrong tree
and writhing in pain on two bad legs
- on borrowed time!
CKM™ usually adds to that:
"Frankfurter - you're no dog!"
To which Tommy The Terror™ adds:
"I'M a dog! And as a dog, I BITE!
And I never read a book
IN MY LIFE - and I never will!
STILL - I'M the one that's gonna
throw the book AT YOU -
Literati Nosferatu™!
Your pale bookwormish a$$
is MINE!
And none of your pencil-necked
geeky cronies
are gonna save you
from The Terror!!!"
Who's "Team Halloween"
All Characters Names And Concepts
TM & Copyright ©2008 And Beyond
Labels: Rasslin, spoof, Whoo-Oh, Wrestling Spoof
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